4 Tips to Prepare Heating System for Winter


Winter is just around the corner and it is the right time to winterize your home. It may include installing storm windows to withstand heavy snowfall and the outdoor furniture could be stored at an appropriate spot – garage, shed, or workshop. One of the most important things you can do before the first freeze hits is to prepare your heating system for the winter months. Whether you have a furnace or heat pump, the last things you’d want is a heating breakdown at the peak of the cold season and pay for another heating repair service Old Bridge.

When you properly check and maintain your home heating system, it provides you warmth throughout the frosty weather. It also helps you in saving hundreds of dollars on your heating bills.

Here are four tips to prepare the heating system for winter:

Air Sealing Your Home                                 

The best way to begin is to take a walk through your home and check for areas where outside air is getting into your home. Check around windows and doors. If you find any leaks, add caulk or weather stripping to help keep the cold air out and the warm air in. Another area to check is around electrical outlets and around your pipes. These are areas where heat can escape, and the cold air comes in. Also prefer installing insulated storm windows and additional of insulation in the attic will also help in saving heating costs. You can contact professional HVAC contractors if your air ducts have leaks.

Replace Your Furnace Filters

Changing furnace filters every three months is an ideal approach to prevent certain problems in your HVAC unit. When your filters become visibly dirty or you may experience less heat, it’s the common sign that you should replace filters. During winters, try cleaning it after every 20 and 25 days to avoid early replacements and possible heating repair service.

Clean entire unit

The general rule of thumb to maintain the efficiency of your heating system and save electricity bills is to have your furnace inspected and cleaned by licensed technicians before you use it for the first time in the early winter season. By doing so, you can fix any underlying problems in your furnace and avoid unnecessary heat interruptions when you need it most.

Professional HVAC Maintenance

Ensuring your heating unit is ready for the cold weather is one of the most important steps in winterizing your home. Have your heating system checked completely by a licensed HVAC professional. Have the filters cleaned or replaced if necessary. Proper maintenance of your heating system can keep it running great for years. If your heating system is old or malfunctioning, now would be the best time to replace it by contacting reputed HVAC contractors in Old Bridge.